Reference projects

A selection of successfully completed projects in which we were able to contribute our expertise in daylight consulting. These projects show the diversity and added value that professional daylight consulting can offer for different types of buildings and areas of application.


Basement of a private property

The project shows the basement of a building in Switzerland, which is supplied with plenty of daylight thanks to the use of mirror shafts and glass floors. This innovative combination allows the basement to shine and impressively illustrates the possibilities that can arise from an otherwise gloomy space.

The combination of mirror shaft and glass floor creates a veritable oasis of light in the basement, which is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. It shows how creative architectural solutions can transform even underground spaces into lively and inviting areas.


Basement lighting supply
Potsdamer Platz

The challenge in this international project was to flood the interior of the station at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin Germany with daylight. Thanks to the Heliobus Light Pipe, this problem was solved brilliantly: it is not only bright in the basement, but also an architectural highlight for tourists and residents. 

Project: Concept and realisation


Speicherstadt Hamburg

An ideas competition was organised to explore the potential of the listed blocks in Hamburg's Speicherstadt district, which had previously been considered impossible. The aim was to come up with proposals for revitalising the district while preserving the historic buildings and developing them economically.

Proposed solution
Shorten the ridge of the roof to install glazed shafts with prisms and reflective elements. This measure is intended to direct daylight to
to the lower levels, improve the exposure of the rooms and preserve the architectural integrity of the area.


Cantonal Hospital Aarau

Our daylight analysis of the cantonal hospital was based on procedures in accordance with EN 17037. The result shows that the catering kitchen can generally be supplied with sufficient daylight via the courtyard.

However, adjustments need to be made to the reflectance of the façade in order to optimise the lighting conditions. One promising solution is to
implementation of simple light control methods in the courtyard to direct daylight into the lower areas.


Headquarter Borusan Group Istanbul

The challenge
To supply a multi-storey building on a slope with various offices, some of which are underground, with a lack of daylight.

Proposed solution
A 20-metre-long light pipe directs sunlight over four different office floors and floods them with daylight. The daylight is captured by several heliostats in sun-exposed locations, which cast the light onto a deflecting mirror, which in turn directs the daylight into the light pipe.


GI Transit Center Seoul

A competition challenge for an underground station in the centre of the city brought ideas for lighting the underground levels. The solution included several lighting guidance systems and light pipes that direct daylight into different areas of the station. This architectural concept was designed by Dominique Perrault Architecture and won the competition.

The Gangnam Intermodal Transit Centre in Seoul will not only be an underground transport hub, but also a social project. The architect emphasises the importance of daylight for the underground spaces in order to set them apart from other spaces of this type.

Completion is planned for 2028.