Your vision in natural light

We bring over 30 years of in-depth experience in daylight planning to support architects, planners and building owners in the development of customised and innovative daylight solutions. Our aim is to promote the optimal use of daylight in buildings through customised concepts in order to enhance the aesthetics, functionality and energy efficiency of building projects.

By using advanced calculation methods and innovative approaches, we minimise the need for artificial lighting and optimise the natural flow of light. This not only helps to reduce energy consumption, but also improves the well-being of users by creating harmonious and healthy lighting environments.

Our expertise enables us to offer customised daylight planning that is specifically tailored to the needs and requirements of each individual project. We understand the importance of light as a central element of architecture that contributes significantly to the atmosphere of a space. Our work is based on an in-depth analysis of the specific circumstances of each building project, from building orientation to local climatic conditions, to develop solutions that harmonise design, sustainability and efficiency, through optimised lighting design that promotes human well-being, is environmentally sustainable and ensures economic efficiency.

Let's work together to bring your visions to life with natural light and create spaces that inspire and energise for generations to come.
Basics for decision-making

Optimising the daylight design - your vision in natural light

We recognise the essential role that daylight plays in architecture - it not only enriches the aesthetics of spaces, but also contributes to an energy-efficient and healthy environment.

The process begins with a thorough analysis of the specific conditions of each project. We look at the building orientation, site factors, surrounding development and topographical features to maximise the opportunities for the use of natural light. Based on this analysis, we develop customised daylighting concepts, ranging from the strategic placement of windows and skylights to innovative light control systems to optimise the use of natural light in the space.

A key element of our approach is advanced daylight simulations that provide a precise idea of the lighting conditions in the finished space. These simulations are a valuable tool in the decision-making process as they ensure that the design achieves the desired lighting effects. This detailed preliminary work not only improves energy efficiency by reducing the need for artificial lighting, but also creates spaces that are beneficial to the health and productivity of users through the positive effects of natural light.

Natural light has the unique ability to emphasise architectural details and create a warm, inviting atmosphere that cannot be achieved with artificial light. Our mission is to maximise this quality in each of our projects, creating spaces that not only inspire today, but will last well into the future.

EU standard EN 17037

Feasibility studies for daylight solutions

In our company, we use state-of-the-art calculation software to carry out daylight calculations in accordance with EU standard EN 17037, thus ensuring an optimum light supply for interiors.

Since its introduction in 2019, the EU standard EN 17037 has been the first Europe-wide guideline for minimum standards in daylight planning. It defines clear requirements for the quantity and quality of daylight in buildings, focussing on an optimal light supply and daylight quality.

Two methods are proposed for the calculation of daylight: the first method is based on the determination of a daylight factor, while the second method performs a dynamic calculation of the annual daylight exposure according to local climatic conditions.

The standard specifies detailed criteria for the assessment of daylight supply, view, duration of solar radiation and glare in rooms. The annex to the standard defines specific characteristic values that must be achieved in order to achieve the recommendation levels "Low", "Medium" or "High". These levels depend on the planned use of the room and reflect the desired level of daylight supply.

By applying this standard in our projects, we ensure that daylight planning not only complies with current European standards, but is also efficient and future-orientated.

Concept / Analyses

Daylight calculations

With our daylight calculations, we unlock the full potential of natural lighting for your rooms. Through precise analyses and simulations, we ensure that daylight not only illuminates rooms, but also transforms them into places of well-being.

Our expertise helps you to develop architectural concepts that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also sustainable and future-oriented. By optimising the distribution, intensity and duration of natural light in your buildings, we help to reduce energy consumption and create a balance between artificial and natural lighting.

Functionality and aesthetics

Planning and realisation of daylight systems

We attach great importance to professional daylight design consultancy as a central component in the building design and planning process. The aim is to optimise the potential of natural light, not only to increase energy efficiency and comfort, but also to promote the well-being of users.

Our approach begins with a detailed analysis of the specific circumstances of each project. We examine the orientation of the building, relevant site factors, surrounding development and topographical features. This comprehensive assessment allows us to plan the ideal positioning of windows, skylights and other openings to maximise the entry of natural light.

Using daylight simulation techniques, we model various scenarios to analyse the lighting conditions within the planned rooms under different conditions. Our computer-aided tools visualise light intensity, light distribution, shadow effects and potential glare effects at different times of day and seasons. These simulations provide valuable support in the decision-making process and enable precise and efficient planning of daylight utilisation.

By integrating daylight simulations into our planning process, we ensure the high quality and sustainability of our projects. Our aim is to create spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional and energy efficient by fully utilising the benefits of natural light.